Saturday, May 26, 2018

Reggiane Re-2001 WIP

Like the Macchi MC-202, Reggiane Re-2001 was a WW2 italian fighter fitted with the same engine of the Messerschmitt Bf-109E: the DB 601 engine.
Based on the Re-2000, it had a redesigned fuselage to arrange the in line engine.

Monday, July 6, 2015

AMX Ghibli: Reworking, reworking and... reworking

I started modeling this aircraft with quite poor blueprint found on the net. So progressing the modeling I discovered a lot of mistakes in the general shape of the aircraft. I had to redo almost entirely the fuselage. 
Looking at the reference photos to find the correct shape is very time-consuming.
These are some renders:

Thursday, April 10, 2014